Posts Tagged 'Recreate ’68'

Austin ’08 or Chicago ’68?

Author: Publius

We all know of the group “Recreate ’68” a radical left group (aren’t all leftists radical?) hellbent on recreating the Democrat National Convention of Chicago 1968 in Denver in 2008.  But now the Texas Governor’s Mansion in Austin also caught fire, and the link between the two might not be so far off.  Investigators are saying that the fire started might have been politically motivated. Note that the mansion was in the process of being renovated right before the fire anyway, but now the added damage makes things worse.

So how many things did the liberal doing this destroy?

1) Damage a Historic Monument

2) Attack a Republican (Perry is no conservative)

And the worst act

3) Attack America

This just goes beyond disliking a Governor. Perry is not an unpopular Governor, being the longest current serving Governor next to John Hoeven of North Dakota. This is an assault on our country. We all know the left loves to go after baseball (Clemens), the Boy Scouts (which ironically Gov. Perry wrote a book about), and our troops (Dick Durbin and his Nazi comment). What is next, apple pie? The Pentagon? Oh wait that’s right, Bill Ayers who Obama is “friendly” with did that already and stomped on our flag too, among other things.  Where is the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) when you need it?
